In honor of
Juanita West
WHO are we and WHY do we do it?
Sharmele “Smiley” West owner of Smiley’s Hair Clinic, a Non-Surgical Hair Replacement Center for people suffering from hair loss, founded the Smile 4 New Life Foundation, in June of 2013 after losing her mother. She aimed the Foundation’s focus on that due to the lack of knowledge in the urban community on how to prevent Colorectal/Colon Cancer and being treated and cured with early detection.
Juanita West was a Care giver to everyone she met. She would give her last if needed, just to help you and your situation, no matter if she had to beg or borrow to do it. She was a Mother, a Provider, a Nurse and a force to be reckoned with.
In her final years, she worked at Dekalb Hospital in Decatur, GA in the Oncology Department. Juanita was diagnosed with Colon Cancer in 2011 and was given 23 months to live. She passed at 22 months. To Sharmele, Juanita was her biggest cheerleader and fan. She supported and pushed her to do any and every thing she desired. She showed her, that in life, you can do and be whatever you want as long as you strive for it.
Smile 4 New Life will continue to help those with Colon Cancer in her honor.